Indian Law and Order Commission Reports on Intergovernmental Cooperation

Chapter 4 of the Indian Law and Order Commission Report, "A Road Map to for Making Native America Safer" details recommendations on 3 key areas of collaboration: 1) Law Enforcement Agreements; 2) Tribal Notification of Arrest, Court Proceedings and Re-Entry; and 3) Intergovernmental Data Collection and Sharing.

The chapter begins, "Stronger coordination among Federal, State, and Tribal law enforcement can make Native nations safer and close the public safety gap with similarly situated communities. Enhanced coordination is also a proven way to combat off-reservation crime. The Federal government cannot and should not force Tribal and State leaders to work together. Local priorities and concerns ought to drive cooperation, and it needs to be voluntary. But the President and Congress can promote and support more positive forms of collaboration. This chapter focuses on how many Native officials are working with their State and Federal counterparts to share information, training, and services. Additionally, the chapter suggests steps that can be taken now to build on and accelerate that progress." 

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