COPS Office Releases New Tribal MOU/MOA Resource Library

The COPS Office is pleased to release a new resource focused on supporting collaboration for Tribal law enforcement.

Tribal MOU/MOA Sample Resource Library

Tribal Sample Resource LibraryThis library is designed to provide users with the resources they need to research and successfully draft memoranda of understanding (MOU) and memoranda of agreement (MOA). MOUs and MOAs will help agencies develop and solidify partnerships to address missing or murdered Indigenous persons cases and provide a wide range of other related opportunities for collaboration.

The library contains the following resources to support agencies in drafting MOUs and MOAs:

  • MOU/MOA Templates
  • MOU/MOA Training
  • Sample MOU/MOAs in the following subject areas:

    • Authority (Law Enforcement, Other)
    • Cross Certification / Commission / Deputization (Joint Powers)
    • Formalization of Relationship
    • Formation of Specialized Group (Task Force, SWAT, etc.)
    • Funding
    • Information Sharing / Communication
    • Investigative Assistance / Responsibilities (Criminal & Non-Criminal)
    • Jurisdiction
    • Law Enforcement Resources / Services Sharing (Mutual Aid)

This new resource is available in both a flash drive format on the COPS Resource Center as well as from the COPS Office’s Tribal Community Policing Resource Page in a web-based format.

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