New Publication Announcement: TLPI Enhanced Tribal Authority Series Enhanced Sentencing Authority Tribal Law and Order Act


The Tribal Law and Policy Institute is pleased to announce the release of its newest publication in its Enhanced Tribal Authority Series – Enhanced Sentencing Authority Tribal Law and Order Act supported by the Bureau of Justice Assistance.

The publication is a companion publication providing an overview of enhanced sentencing authority under the Tribal Law and Order Act (TLOA), examination of possible benefits and challenges of implementing that authority, review of the Bureau of Prisons Tribal Prisoner Program, examples of tribal code implementing provisions, and additional enhanced sentencing authority and TLOA resources.

This publication is part of a two-part series on enhanced tribal authority. The other publication discusses Tribal Criminal Jurisdiction over Non-Indians under the 2022 Reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act and is available for download at TLPI’s newest website:

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