New Publication on Joint Jurisdiction Courts

Tribal, state, federal and local courts have overlapping jurisdictions and face common challenges and resource limitations. To address these concerns, several jurisdictions have come together in a joint jurisdictional model that acknowledges each other’s autonomy, while sharing resources for better outcomes for everyone. In September 2019, the Tribal Law and Policy Institute, in collaboration with the Bureau of Justice Assistance, disseminated a needs assessment survey to the joint jurisdiction courts known to be operational. TLPI gathered information on (1) the courts’ approach, design, and development; (2) the courts’ operations; (3) the court-connected services; (4) the court collaboration and coordination; (5) court record management and evaluation; and (6) techniques to sustain the courts. TLPI developed a full reportof findings, as well as a summary report. The needs assessment survey responses showed that these courts share similar characteristics and face similar challenges. The full report provides details on the findings of the needs assessment survey, including an overview of the lessons learned, the effectiveness of joint jurisdiction courts, and the funding needed to support their implementation, sustainability, and growth.


Joint Jurisdiction Courts Needs Assessment: Findings (Full Report)

Joint Jurisdiction Courts Needs Assessment Summary

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