Register for BJA Grantee Training Series
The Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) is hosting a grantee training series that focuses on BJA grant award management, performance measures, and program-specific guidance.
Program-Specific Grantee Orientations
Orientation sessions by grant program will take place in the coming months. These will provide grantees an opportunity to meet key BJA staff, training and technical assistance providers, other grantees, and discuss program specific requirements. Stay tuned for more information.
Managing Your Award
Managing Your Award will cover critical aspects of award management from start to finish, including award acceptance, meeting award conditions, reporting requirements, making changes to your award, and how to access additional resources and support.
Each session includes time for attendee questions and answers.
Please note: This training was also offered in November and December, but grantees only need to attend one session.
Register now for one of the upcoming Managing Your Award training sessions:
- Thursday, January 16, 2025, from 1:00-2:30 p.m. ET
- Thursday, February 13, 2025, from 1:00-2:30 p.m. ET
Once available, registration links, training materials and recordings will be shared and posted on the Grantee Training Series page.
Introduction to BJA Performance Measures and Reporting Training
BJA will also host Introduction to BJA Performance Measures and Reporting sessions. The virtual training will discuss the purpose and benefits of performance management, BJA’s requirements for collecting and sharing performance data, reporting timelines and systems, and where to find helpful resources to assist with reporting.
Please note: This training was also offered earlier in December, but grantees only need to attend one session.
Register now for the upcoming Introduction to BJA Performance Measures and Reporting session:
- Wednesday, January 8, 2025, from 1:00-2:30 p.m. ET
Once available, registration links will be shared and posted on the Grantee Training Series page.
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News and Updates from JUSTgrants
Get Ready NOW To Apply for DOJ Funding
You must have active registrations in and before you can apply for any Department of Justice (DOJ) funding opportunity. If you’ve used these systems in the past, check that your registration and users are current.
Don’t miss your opportunity to apply for DOJ funding!
- Register today. You can register in and any time—you don’t have to wait until a funding opportunity is open. registrations expire after 12 months and must be renewed every year. accounts deactivate after a year of inactivity or if your registration expires.
- Update points of contact (POCs). Check and update your entity’s POCs in both systems now to prevent delays in completing your application—or potentially missing the application deadline.
For more tips on using and, visit the JustGrants Resources Application Submission Training page.