Save the Date for NAICJA’s 56th Annual National Tribal Judicial and Court Personnel Conference!

The National American Indian Court Judges Association (NAICJA) is pleased to announce that the 56th Annual National Tribal Judicial and Court Personnel Conference will be held at the Gila River Resorts & Casinos – Wild Horse Pass in Phoenix, AZ on October 13-16, 2025.

NAICJA’s Annual Conference offers innovative and timely tribal justice information through high quality presentations by national experts. The theme of this year’s conference is, “Tribal Courts: A Bulwark for Tribal Sovereignty.” 

NAICJA’s Request for Presentation Proposals is now live! NAICJA’s Annual Conference offers innovative and timely tribal justice information through high quality presentations by national experts. The theme of this year’s conference is, “Tribal Courts: A Bulwark for Tribal Sovereignty.” 

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