Upcoming Webinar: Developing Effective MOUs – Tribal Law and Policy Institute and the Native Child Advocacy Resource Center

New Webinar Announcement from Tribal Law and Policy Institute (TLPI) and the Native Child Advocacy Resource Center (NCARC)
 A Handbook for Developing Effective MOUs for Multidisciplinary Teams Serving Tribal Communities

Thursday, March 13, 2025
12- 1 PM PT/ 1-2 PM MT/ 2-3 PM CT/ 3-4 PM ET

The Native Child Advocacy Resource Center in partnership with the Tribal Law and Policy Institute are excited to announce the release of our latest resource, A Handbook for Developing Effective MOUs for Multidisciplinary Teams Serving Tribal Communities. The Handbook fills a gap in the field, offering clear guidance to MDTs led by Native nations as well as non-Native orgs that serve Tribal communities, on the development of MOUs which support organizational/Tribal partnerships while honoring sovereignty. 

You can find the Handbook on the NCARC website here, as well as on the TLPI website by clicking the “Download” button below or visiting https://www.home.tlpi.org/child-abuse-and-neglect-publications

The Handbook addresses the development of clauses, both Tribal specific and others that are important to include in MOUs, offering explanatory text, examples of clauses, and questions to help communities consider their own context. 

Register for the Upcoming Webinar!

On Thursday, March 13, 12-1pm PT, TLPI and NCARC will host a webinar to review the Handbook together, take time to reflect on how it can be used, and answer questions.

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