VAWA Website for the Inter-Tribal Working Group


The Tribal Law and Policy Institute (TLPI), the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI), and the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ) have jointly launched a website full of resources for implementing the special domestic violence criminal jurisdiction, recognized by the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act (VAWA).

This website was originally designed for members of the Inter-Tribal Working Group (ITWG), a group of tribes interested in participating in VAWA's Pilot Project, or otherwise interested in implementing criminal jurisdiction over non-Indians. On March 7, 2015, all federally recognized tribes will be authorized to exercise criminal jurisdiction over non-Indians for the crimes of domestic violence, dating violence, and certain violations of protection orders, so long as they provide certain enumerated due process protections.

This website provides resources on how best to implement this criminal jurisdiction, including:

  • webinars
  • code development
  • jury pool selection
  • defendants' rights and criminal defense
  • victims' rights and safety
  • preventing domestic violence
  • court/judicial requirements
  • law enforcement
  • Tribal Law and Order Act
  • VAWA Overview
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