Poarch Band of Creek Indians: Collaboration Webinar



A Tribal-State Collaboration Model: Poarch Band of Creek Indians' Journey to Success

July 21, 2020

Review the steps Poarch Band of Creek Indians, Alabama’s only federally recognized tribe, took to overcome jurisdictional barriers to achieve implementation of state legislation known as the Poarch Band of Creek Indians – State Police Powers Act (Alabama Act #2018-393). Review the specific barriers that were overcome such as lack of state recognition, no available copies of MOU’s that were in prior existence, inability to use state academy for training; not honoring tribal courts, etc. Discuss how this enhanced multi-jurisdictional partnership has supported increased public safety for the Poarch Creek community.

Click here: https://ncjtc.fvtc.edu/trainings/TR00011574/TRI0011575/a-tribal-state-collaboration-model-poarch-band-of-creek-indians-journey-to-success?utm_source=cc&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=2020-07-10%20-%20cops%20-%20tribal-state%20collaboration%20webinar&utm_content=cops

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